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Table 3 Completed cases and reasons of discontinuation

From: Long-term oral blonanserin treatment for schizophrenia: a review of Japanese long-term studies


BNS01 study

BNS02 study

N = 321

N = 61

Dose of BNS

 Mean final dose [SD] (mg/day)

13.0 [6.7]

12.8 [6.1]

 Mean maximum dose [SD] (mg/day)

14.8 [7.2]

14.0 [6.1]

Completed cases

 Week 28 completed, n (%)

264 (82.2)

48 (78.7)

 Weeks 28–52 completed, n (%)

93 (29.0)

3 (4.9%)

 Weeks 52–56 completed, n (%)

155 (48.3)

38 (62.3)

 Mean treatment duration [SD] (day)

268.2 [123.2]

301.9 [126.5]

Concomitant use

 Antipsychotic drugs

286 (89.1)

17 (27.9)

 Antiparkinsonian drugs

299 (93.1)

55 (90.2)

  1. BNS blonanserin, SD standard deviation