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Table 7 Differences by gender (females–males, after standardizing the scores as z -scores using the total samples M and SD) and correlation with age and education on the Greek NEO-PI-3

From: Standardization of the NEO-PI-3 in the Greek general population






N1: Anxiety




N2: Angry hostility




N3: Depression




N4: Self-consciousness




N5: Impulsiveness




N6: Vulnerability




E1: Warmth




E2: Gregariousness




E3: Assertiveness




E4: Activity




E5: Excitement-seeking




E6: Positive emotions




O1: Fantasy




O2: Aesthetics




O3: Feelings




O4: Actions




O5: Ideas




O6: Values




A1: Trust




A2: Straightforwardness




A3: Altruism




A4: Compliance




A5: Modesty




A6: Tender-mindedness




C1: Competence




C2: Order




C3: Dutifulness




C4: Achievement-striving




C5: Self-discipline




C6: Deliberation


